What Pets Do To Make Our Lives Better

what pets do to make our lives betterAs many of you know, I usually write  monthly blogs informing the readers about what we can do to make your pets’ lives better and happier.  However this month, I am reversing the trend and writing about what pets do to make our lives better.

It is a proven fact that pets can reduce anxieties that we have.  To people with anxieties, pets can be like a superhero.  Everyone has their own coping mechanisms that work for them, but sometimes having a pet can curb anxiety.  By just having a pet present, even though it can’t talk, a person’s phobic and anxiety disorders are often reduced by the pets companionship. This relationship builds self confidence for people that are anxious when they go out in the world.

With depression, people tend to self isolate.  So with having a pet, people are forced to go out and walk.

Pets are always down to cuddle.  That contact can do wonders to curb anxiety.  Maybe it makes you feel less alone or less like you have to handle everything by yourself.  With this bonding, one gets a mutual relationship in which the pet and owner give warmth, love and nurturing.  Research has also shown that tactile sensations can even lower blood pressure.

Pets are always the ones that listen and don’t ever offer advice.  As humans, sometimes we don’t want advice—we just want to vent.  A pet will never try to fix you.  You can sit for hours on end ranting and they will never try to solve you or your problems. A pet sitting there listening loves you and sometimes that is all you need.

Pet ownership is good not only for people living alone, but for whole family systems. Pets become full members of the family in which lots of interaction swirls around children, parents and siblings as they compete to feed, love and care for the pet.  So with a pet at home, this offers a distraction so that a tiny bit of anxiety doesn’t amplify to a big deal.  Pet ownership can teach children the value of life in addition to providing them with some sort of responsibility of care and feeding.

Having a pet at home means that there is someone waiting for you to come home and be with you when you are there.  Having a pet can give one a sense of security and help with dealing with aloneness better. A pet can provide someone to talk to in order to ease your nerves.  A pet there will mean that you are never alone.

Having a pet can help us meet new people.  With pet ownership, it requires responsibility and part of that is exercising your dog.  While on walks you can make friends and hold conversations with other people.  Pets are a great conversation starter, so with them, we can socialize.

No matter what, pets offer unconditional love.  Sometimes it feels like no one really likes you.  But your pet will always be that person that is on your side.

The benefits of pet ownership are many and they are very much an integral part of our lives.  Because of this, we want them to live as long as possible.  So it is important to take care of them.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 656-5868.