How To Get The Skunk Smell Out of Your Pet’s Fur

skunk smellOoh, that skunk smell.  We all know that odor when our beloved dog comes back in and has had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting the neighborhood “Pepe Le Pew.”  No matter what, the odor is very unpleasant and tends to linger wherever your pet lies.  The skunk oil from the spraying can linger for up to a year if it is not removed from your dogs’ skin and coat.  So it is essential that you effectively clean and bathe your pet.

I have found that the first thing you do not want to do is to bring you pet inside. As stated before, the scent can linger for up to a year and anything that your pet has touched can harbor the odor. So leave it outside. Skunk spray is very irritating to your dogs eyes.  So if you notice their eyes watering or red, then rinse them with water or gentle eyewash solutions. Any solution but Visine is fine. Once you have addressed the face, it now time to tackle the smell on his body.

There are several methods that can be used for de-skunking a dog, however most methods will need to be repeated more than once.  The best formula that I have found is as follows:

  • ¼ cup of baking soda
  • 1-2 teaspoons of mild dishwashing detergent such as Ivory Snow
  • 1 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution
  • Mix in bucket and use immediately
  • Work the foaming mixture well into the coat
  • Leave on for five minutes
  • Rinse with warm water
  • Follow with dog shampoo if desired

The quicker you can get to it, the better the results since the oil hasn’t saturated into the hair yet.  It may be necessary to repeat the procedure several times.

It is important to be careful around the eyes as hydrogen peroxide can burn and irritate the eyes.  The hydrogen peroxide may also bleach your pets’ coat blond so be careful with black coated dogs.  Also discard the solution after use and never store it in a closed container as it will explode.

While no method is foolproof, there are many ways to help your dog avoid getting sprayed by a skunk again.  Since skunks are nocturnal animals, consider leaving a light on in the yard or accompany your dog outside when you take it out in the evening.  You may also set up some solar lights so that your yard is well lit throughout the night.  Automated sprinklers set to turn on throughout the night may also be a good way to deter skunks from roaming in your yard.  Always remember to cover your trash cans and take your dogs indoors for treats at night so that skunks aren’t lured in by a possible free meal. If you believe that you have a serious skunk problem you may want to call a critter control specialist to assist in removing the unwanted pest.

If you have any questions or other solutions about pests like skunks, we would like to hear from you.  Please call us at (618)-656-5868 or contact us here.